Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Subway Expedition

What kind of bread would you like?” I was asked by a rather stern looking lady at the Subway restaurant with a tone of routineness and a glance of expectation of an even more routine response. But being a person who just landed on American soil about 2 days prior to this event, the question sent me in a tizzy. The most I'd heard or imagined about was white and brown bread. Not willing to display my ignorance on matters of the bread, I shot back with a question: “What are the breads you have?” At this moment, the lady raised an eyebrow and realized that she was dealing with a rare challenged customer. She pointed to a chart displaying the 4 or 6 types of breads – Italian herbs, whole-wheat, etc, etc. I muttered something to her that looked innocuous enough to be tried for my first time.
But life
is a garland of several battles, and I was reminded of that when she came up with “And what kind of cheese would you like?” I felt a cold sweat drench my neck and palms. Gauging my continued incapacities in choosing my sandwich, she quickly pointed out to the different cheese varieties, names of which I barely followed as she hurriedly enumerated in her Southern accent. I picked the first one – cheddar I suppose, again one that seemed harmless and insipid. By this time, I was hungry, cold and sweaty, and wondering when I would finally be able to get a bite into something edible. The lady on the other side felt a similar level of impatience.
Anyway, when it was time to decide the vegetables that I need to put in my sandwich, all I was worried was that there should be no trace of meat in my sandwich, lest all the hard work put in so far would be wasted. I pointed excitedly at the capsicum slices. The lady was not impressed. For that matter, she didn't understand what I was trying to tell her. Then, I tried telling her to make my sandwich spicy, and to add some green chillies. She gave me a blank face. She called out names of some veggies I had never heard of, and I wondered why my convent education didn't help me in this day and age. Finally, I hit the jackpot, and out of sheer desperation, I said: “Please make a sandwich with no meat, just the way you would make it for yourself!” Phew! I later realized that this masterstroke saved me the anxiety of choosing a kind of sauce for dressing the sandwich.
After what seemed like endless mental travail, I dug my teeth into this cold, dry, raw, conglomeration of vegetables huddled inconveniently within 2 slices of a cold, hard, vapid fancy bread. Homesickness struck me that very moment. I couldn't help reminiscing about my mom's traditional and tasty, yet, healthy cooking and the dosai and sambhar I ate every other day with no tedious question and answer sessions. Sometimes, I thought, life is easier with fewer options to choose from. Today, I may think differently about having choices and about seeking novelty, but this incident does bring forth funny memories of a different world.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you go to a subway in India, you are faced with the same choices....

Thu Nov 30, 04:34:00 AM  
Blogger anonymous coward said...

capsicum (or its likeness) is called paprika apparently. i too had a similar experience in canada, where i told the lady to put capsicum in my sub. she blankly looked at me, till i pointed to what i wanted. the no meat thought didnt occur to me though!

Thu Nov 30, 04:58:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Capsicum is called green pepper in America.

If you want your Subway to be spicy ask them to include Jalapeños (pronounced Hal-a-pen-yos )

Thu Nov 30, 09:20:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is similar to my experience of when I first walked into a Starbucks--bombarded by so many things, what to choose from?!

Thu Nov 30, 11:05:00 AM  
Blogger Vivek said...

Capsicum is called bell peppers. I haven't really heard the term green peppers.

And don't worry about the bread, even *today* if I walk into a Subway, I would ask what bread they have since they usually don't have all breads and you wouldn't want the complication of asking for a bread, them not having it, and then you asking again what they do have ...

As for cheese, in the Philadelphia area, provalone is the best. But I don't know if you get it in other parts of the country, since provalone is a traditional Philly cheese, and even if you do, Philadelphians will wager their lives that it won't taste as good anywhere else.

Thu Nov 30, 11:38:00 AM  
Blogger Ravi Ramaswamy said...

I am from Wisconsin, arguably the No.1 producer of cheese... I must know about cheese, but somehow it doesn't interest me at all. In fact, this morning I was watching a TravelWisconsin program that was showing the making of cheese, looked like a fascinating science and art. Will read up!

Sun Dec 03, 02:06:00 PM  
Blogger Vivek said...

Wisconsin cheese, from what I've heard, is tasteless, rich, and fattening. Philadelphia cheese, especially provalone, is tangy & sharp, slightly less rich, and fattening.

Mon Dec 04, 09:48:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So I had a funny experience in Wendy's when I came here first. I ordered their 99cent fries, congratulating myself on finding something edible worth 99c :D. Then the woman asks 'here or to go' all I heard was 'go', and I kept saying 'but I haven't paid yet'. In this vein I held up the line for a full 3 min, which in North Philly crowd at Wendy's is like 3 hours with about 40 pairs of eyes glaring at you. Finally the woman just told me to go and gave up!! I walked out huffily after paying her and never went back!!

Tue Dec 05, 04:23:00 PM  
Blogger Vivek said...

Lal, don't fool us. Such things will still happen to you!!!

Wed Dec 06, 09:36:00 AM  
Blogger Swapna said...

I had the same experience the first time I went to a mexican restaurent. I was bewildered.

Fri Dec 08, 06:03:00 PM  

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